
Data, Science & Software

Policy Documents

SMME, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

In our travel through South AFrican government policy, we have assembled a few papers. This list is not exhaustive, but we decided to index, archive and share it. Please feel free to link to it - it is not going to move. Furthermore, we will be making the documents searchable as best we can.

We have included an Open Data score. At the moment all documents have a score of 50%. We are looking at an accepted standard to rank a document. Any ranking will include machine readability. It will also need to tie into The Open Data Barometer

Policy Responses

Policy Documents

We wish to maintain a repository of government papers. Here are some that we have reviewed. There are more policy documents and discussion papers at DTPS and Elipsis. This is not an exhaustive list. Please contact us with important additions and comments. We will make the documents machine readable if and when we can. Feel free to link to the documents - this is a permanent repository.


General Notes

ICT - no one does ICT. We do get convergence. There IT and C perhaps. But including Broadcasting too?

SMMEs is another strange term. Try SMB's.